• 1.首都醫(yī)科大學附屬北京復興醫(yī)院外科(北京100038);;
  • 2.北京大學人民醫(yī)院外科(北京100044);

目的探討腫瘤血管生成對微轉移的影響。方法復習國內、外文獻,并結合我們自己所作的工作,綜合分析腫瘤血管生成與微轉移的關系。 結果腫瘤血管生成是微轉移腫瘤發(fā)展的基礎。結論微轉移對血管生成的依賴性,孕育著腫瘤治療上一場新的革命。

引用本文: 駱成玉 綜述,祝學光審校. 腫瘤血管生成對微轉移影響的研究進展. 中國普外基礎與臨床雜志, 2003, 10(5): 516-518. doi: 復制

1. 駱成玉. 大腸癌患者外周血中癌細胞檢測的臨床意義 [J].中華實驗外科雜志, 1999; 16(3)∶199.
2. 駱成玉,趙丹寧,曾勝. 大腸癌淋巴結微轉移的預后意義 [J].中華普通外科雜志, 2000; 15(3)∶133.
3. 駱成玉. 大腸癌患者門靜脈血癌細胞的檢測及臨床意義 [J].中華外科雜志, 1999; 37(4)∶214.
4. 駱成玉,苑樹俊. 手術前后大腸癌骨髓微轉移的研究 [J].中華實驗外科雜志, 2000; 17(3)∶275.
5. 駱成玉,趙丹寧. 大腸癌淋巴結微轉移的研究 [J].中華外科雜志,2000; 38(2)∶142.
6. Faviana P, Boldrini L, Spisni R, et al.Neoangiogenesis in colon cancer: correlation between vascular density, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and p53 protein expression [J]. Oncol Rep, 2002; 9(3)∶617.
7. 駱成玉,趙丹寧,李世擁. 大腸癌術后血路播散的動態(tài)追蹤監(jiān)測 [J]. 中華普通外科雜志, 2001; 16(2)∶118.
8. 駱成玉,趙丹寧,劉元林. 內皮抑素對結腸癌肝轉移的干預作用 [J]. 中華外科雜志, 2001; 39(3)∶198.
9. 駱成玉,趙丹寧. 腺病毒介導的內皮抑素基因轉移預防大腸癌術后肝轉移 [J]. 中華外科雜志, 2002; 40(5)∶375.
10. 駱成玉,趙丹寧,曾勝,等. 大腸癌患者腹腔微量游離癌細胞的研究 [J]. 中華外科雜志, 2001; 39(6)∶433.
11. 駱成玉,趙丹寧. 術后復發(fā)轉移的大腸癌血路播散分析 [J].中華普通外科雜志, 2001; 16(5)∶291.
12. Folkman J.Tumour angiogenesis and tissue factor [J]. Nat Med,1996; 2(2)∶167.
13. Ingber DE.Extracellular matrix and cell shape:potential control points for inhibition of angiogenesis [J]. J Cell Biochem, 1991; 47(3)∶236.
14. Lawler J. Thrombospondin1 as an endogenous inhibitor of angiogenesis and tumor growth [J]. J Cell Mol Med, 2002; 6(1)∶1.
15. Brivio F, Lissoni P, Rovelli F,et al. Effects of IL2 preoperative immunotherapy on surgeryinduced changes in angiogenic regulation and its prevention of VEGF increase and IL12 decline [J].Hepatogastroenterology, 2002; 49(44)∶385.
16. Svendsen MN, Werther K, Nielsen HJ, et al.EGF and tumour angiogenesis. Impact of surgery, wound healing, inflammation and blood transfusion [J]. Scand J Gastroenterol, 2002; 37(4)∶373.
17. Chiarug V, Ruggiero M, Magnelli L. Angiogenesis and the unique nature of tumor matrix [J]. Mol Biotechnol, 2002; 21(1)∶85.
18. Yokoyama M, Ochi K, Ichimura M, et al. Matrix metalloproteinase2 in pancreatic juice for diagnosis of pancreatic cancer [J]. Pancreas, 2002; 24(4)∶344.
19. McNamara DA, Harmey JH, Walsh TN, et al. Significance of angiogenesis in cancer therapy [J]. Br J Surg, 1998; 85(8)∶1044.
20. 駱成玉,曾勝,趙丹寧,等. 肌肉注射內皮抑素基因抑制人大腸癌生長的研究 [J].中華實驗外科雜志, 2001; 18(5)∶443.
21. O’Reilly MS, Boehm T, Shing Y, et al.Endostatin: an endogenous inhibitor of angiogenesis and tumor growth [J]. Cell, 1997; 88(2)∶277.
22. Teicher BA, Emi Y, Kakeji Y, et al.TNP470/Minocycline/cytotoxic therapy: a systems approach to cancer therapy [J]. Eur J Cancer, 1996; 32A(14)∶2461.
23. Kakeji Y, Maehara Y, Sumiyoshi Y, et al. Angiogenesis as a target for gastric cancer [J]. Surgery, 2002; 131(1 Suppl)∶S48.
24. Papetti M, Herman IM. Mechanisms of normal and tumorderived angiogenesis [J]. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol, 2002; 282(5)∶C947.
25. Mohr L, Shankara S, Yoon SK, et al.Gene therapy of hepatocellar carcinoma in vitro and in vovo in nude mice by adenoviral transfer of the Escherichia coli purine nucleoside phosphorylase gene [J]. Hepatology, 2000; 31(3)∶606.
26. Skobe M, Rockwell P, Goldstein N, et al.Halting angiogenesis supresses carcinoma cell invasion [J].Nat Med, 1997; 3(11)∶1222.
  1. 1. 駱成玉. 大腸癌患者外周血中癌細胞檢測的臨床意義 [J].中華實驗外科雜志, 1999; 16(3)∶199.
  2. 2. 駱成玉,趙丹寧,曾勝. 大腸癌淋巴結微轉移的預后意義 [J].中華普通外科雜志, 2000; 15(3)∶133.
  3. 3. 駱成玉. 大腸癌患者門靜脈血癌細胞的檢測及臨床意義 [J].中華外科雜志, 1999; 37(4)∶214.
  4. 4. 駱成玉,苑樹俊. 手術前后大腸癌骨髓微轉移的研究 [J].中華實驗外科雜志, 2000; 17(3)∶275.
  5. 5. 駱成玉,趙丹寧. 大腸癌淋巴結微轉移的研究 [J].中華外科雜志,2000; 38(2)∶142.
  6. 6. Faviana P, Boldrini L, Spisni R, et al.Neoangiogenesis in colon cancer: correlation between vascular density, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and p53 protein expression [J]. Oncol Rep, 2002; 9(3)∶617.
  7. 7. 駱成玉,趙丹寧,李世擁. 大腸癌術后血路播散的動態(tài)追蹤監(jiān)測 [J]. 中華普通外科雜志, 2001; 16(2)∶118.
  8. 8. 駱成玉,趙丹寧,劉元林. 內皮抑素對結腸癌肝轉移的干預作用 [J]. 中華外科雜志, 2001; 39(3)∶198.
  9. 9. 駱成玉,趙丹寧. 腺病毒介導的內皮抑素基因轉移預防大腸癌術后肝轉移 [J]. 中華外科雜志, 2002; 40(5)∶375.
  10. 10. 駱成玉,趙丹寧,曾勝,等. 大腸癌患者腹腔微量游離癌細胞的研究 [J]. 中華外科雜志, 2001; 39(6)∶433.
  11. 11. 駱成玉,趙丹寧. 術后復發(fā)轉移的大腸癌血路播散分析 [J].中華普通外科雜志, 2001; 16(5)∶291.
  12. 12. Folkman J.Tumour angiogenesis and tissue factor [J]. Nat Med,1996; 2(2)∶167.
  13. 13. Ingber DE.Extracellular matrix and cell shape:potential control points for inhibition of angiogenesis [J]. J Cell Biochem, 1991; 47(3)∶236.
  14. 14. Lawler J. Thrombospondin1 as an endogenous inhibitor of angiogenesis and tumor growth [J]. J Cell Mol Med, 2002; 6(1)∶1.
  15. 15. Brivio F, Lissoni P, Rovelli F,et al. Effects of IL2 preoperative immunotherapy on surgeryinduced changes in angiogenic regulation and its prevention of VEGF increase and IL12 decline [J].Hepatogastroenterology, 2002; 49(44)∶385.
  16. 16. Svendsen MN, Werther K, Nielsen HJ, et al.EGF and tumour angiogenesis. Impact of surgery, wound healing, inflammation and blood transfusion [J]. Scand J Gastroenterol, 2002; 37(4)∶373.
  17. 17. Chiarug V, Ruggiero M, Magnelli L. Angiogenesis and the unique nature of tumor matrix [J]. Mol Biotechnol, 2002; 21(1)∶85.
  18. 18. Yokoyama M, Ochi K, Ichimura M, et al. Matrix metalloproteinase2 in pancreatic juice for diagnosis of pancreatic cancer [J]. Pancreas, 2002; 24(4)∶344.
  19. 19. McNamara DA, Harmey JH, Walsh TN, et al. Significance of angiogenesis in cancer therapy [J]. Br J Surg, 1998; 85(8)∶1044.
  20. 20. 駱成玉,曾勝,趙丹寧,等. 肌肉注射內皮抑素基因抑制人大腸癌生長的研究 [J].中華實驗外科雜志, 2001; 18(5)∶443.
  21. 21. O’Reilly MS, Boehm T, Shing Y, et al.Endostatin: an endogenous inhibitor of angiogenesis and tumor growth [J]. Cell, 1997; 88(2)∶277.
  22. 22. Teicher BA, Emi Y, Kakeji Y, et al.TNP470/Minocycline/cytotoxic therapy: a systems approach to cancer therapy [J]. Eur J Cancer, 1996; 32A(14)∶2461.
  23. 23. Kakeji Y, Maehara Y, Sumiyoshi Y, et al. Angiogenesis as a target for gastric cancer [J]. Surgery, 2002; 131(1 Suppl)∶S48.
  24. 24. Papetti M, Herman IM. Mechanisms of normal and tumorderived angiogenesis [J]. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol, 2002; 282(5)∶C947.
  25. 25. Mohr L, Shankara S, Yoon SK, et al.Gene therapy of hepatocellar carcinoma in vitro and in vovo in nude mice by adenoviral transfer of the Escherichia coli purine nucleoside phosphorylase gene [J]. Hepatology, 2000; 31(3)∶606.
  26. 26. Skobe M, Rockwell P, Goldstein N, et al.Halting angiogenesis supresses carcinoma cell invasion [J].Nat Med, 1997; 3(11)∶1222.